Standard value
Steering wheel free play mm
30 or less
Steering angle
Inner wheel
41° 20’ ± 1° 30’
(Difference between right and left wheels must be 2°00’ or less)
Outer wheel (reference value)
35° 10’
Tie rod end ball joint turning torque N·m
5.0 or less
Stationary steering force N
Steering force
20 or less
Fluctuation band
5.0 or less
Total rotational torque of steering column shaft N·m
Total rotational torque
1.25 or less
Torque fluctuation
0.5 or less
Total rotational torque of pinion N·m
Total rotational torque
0.6 - 1.3 N·m
Torque fluctuation
0.5 or less
Band crimped value mm
2.4 - 2.8