Standard value
Limit value
Speedometer indication range
at 40 km/h
40.5 - 44.5
at 80 km/h
81.5 - 86.5
at 120 km/h
122.5 - 128.5
at 160 km/h
162.5 - 169.5
at 25 mph
25.5 - 28.5
at 50 mph
50.5 - 53.5
at 75 mph
76.0 - 80.0
at 100 mph
101.5 - 106.5
Tachometer indicating tolerance r/min
Items in ( ) indicates the reference value.
Engine speed at 700 r/min
± 100
Engine speed at 3000 r/min
± 150
Engine speed at 6000 r/min
± 200
(Engine speed at 7000 r/min)
(± 350)
Nominal resistance of the fuel gauge unit Ω
Stopper position "F"
13.0 ± 1.0
Stopper position "E"
120.0 ± 1.0
Fuel gauge unit float height mm
Stopper position "F"
135.4 ± 5.0
Stopper position "E"
14.9 ± 5.0