  • For detail of the hands free-ECU, you can see to access via the MITSUBISHI MOTORS web site. Please read and agree the Warning about Links to the Web Sites of Other Companies because it connects other than MITSUBISHI MOTORS web site.
  • Some Bluetooth® devices (mobile phone or music player) may not be compatible with the hands free-ECU.
  • A maximum of seven Bluetooth® devices can be registered.
  • This system cannot be used when a battery of Bluetooth® devices was exhausted.


1.Turn the ignition switch to ACC or ON position.

2.Press the SPEECH switch.
3.Say "Setup."
4.Say "Pairing options."
5.The voice guide will say "Select one of the following: pair, edit, delete, or list?"
6.Say "Pair."
7.The voice guide will say "Please say a 4-digit pairing code."
8.Say a 4 digit number. The 4 digit number will be registered as a pairing code for the device.

  • When the confirmation function is on, the system will confirm whether the number said is acceptable. Answer "Yes" to go Step 8. Say "No" to return to pairing code selection.
  • The pairing code entered here is only used for the Bluetooth® connection certification. It is any 4-digit number the user would like to select. A predetermined 4-digit number may be assigned to some Bluetooth® devices.
  • Remember the pairing code as it needs to be keyed into the device later in the pairing process.
  • Depending on the connection settings of the Bluetooth® device, this code may have to be entered each time you connect the Bluetooth® device to the hands free-ECU. For the default connection settings, refer to the instructions for device.
9.The voice guide will say "Start pairing procedure on device. See device manual for instructions." Refer to the owner’s manual for your device and enter into the device the pairing code that was registered in Step 7.
10.When this system finds a Bluetooth® device, the voice guide will say "Please say the name of the device after the beep."
11.After you hear the beep, name the device by saying a name of your preference.
note When the confirmation function is on, after repeating the device tag you have said, the voice guide will ask "Is this correct?" Answer "Yes".
To change the device tag, answer "No" and then say the device tag again.
12.The voice guide will say "Pairing complete," after which a beep will be played and the pairing process will end.


1.Turn the ignition switch to ACC or ON position.
2.Press the Speech switch.
3.Say "Setup."
4.Say "Pairing options"
5.The voice guide will say "Select one of the following: pair, edit, delete, or list"
6.Say "Delete."
7.After the voice guide says "Please say," the numbers of the devices and device tags of corresponding devices will be read out in order, starting with the device that has been most recently connected. After it completes reading all pairs, the voice guide will say "or all."
Say the number of the device that you want to delete from the system.
If you want to delete all paired devices from the system, say "All."
8.For confirmation purposes, the voice guide will say "Deleting (device tag) (number). Is this correct?" or "Deleting all devices, Is this correct?"
9.Answer "Yes" to delete the devices.
Answer "No" the system will return to Step 5.
10.The voice guide will say "Deleted", and then the system will end the device deletion process.

  • If the device deletion process fails for some reason, the voice guide will say "Delete failed." and then the system will cancel deleting the device.