1.Turn up the carpet, etc. under the clutch pedal.

2.Measure the clutch pedal height.
Standard value (A): 226 - 229 mm

3.Measure the clutch pedal clevis pin play.
Standard value (B): 1 - 3 mm

caution Do not push in the master cylinder pushrod at this time, otherwise the clutch will not operate properly.
If the clutch pedal height and clutch pedal clevis pin play are not within the standard value, loosen the setting nut to adjust the clutch pedal height and clevis pin play to the standard value.

5.After completing the adjustments, confirm that the clutch pedal free play (measured at the face of the pedal pad) and the distance between the clutch pedal (the face of the pedal pad) and the clutch pedal stopper when the clutch is disengaged are within the standard value ranges.

    Standard value (C): 4 - 13 mm
    Standard value (D): 30 mm or more
6.If the clutch pedal free play and the distance between the clutch pedal and the clutch pedal stopper or toeboard when the clutch is disengaged do not agree with the standard values, it is probably the result of either air in the hydraulic system or a faulty master cylinder, release cylinder or clutch. Bleed the air, or disassemble and inspect the master cylinder, release cylinder or clutch.