caution Carry out running-in in a place with good visibility, and pay careful attention to safety.
Carry out running-in by the following procedure when replacing the rear brake disc, or when brake performance is insufficient.


1.Adjust the parking brake lever stroke to the standard value.
Standard value (Operation force: Approx. 200 N): 3 - 5 notches
2.Hook a spring balance onto the centre of the parking brake lever grip and pull it with a force of 100 - 150 N in a direction perpendicular to the handle.
3.Drive the vehicle at a constant speed of 35 - 50 km/h for 100 metres.
4.Release the parking brake and let the brakes cool for 5 - 10 minutes.
5.Repeat the procedure in steps 2 to 4 four or five times.


1.Adjust the parking brake pedal stroke to the standard value.
Standard value (Operation force: Approx. 200 N): 1 notch
2.Drive the vehicle at a constant speed of 35 - 50 km/h for 100 metres.
3.Release the parking brake and let the brakes cool for 5 - 10 minutes.
4.Repeat the procedure in steps 2 to 4 four or five times.