The ignition key contains a transponder (small transmitter), which retains an unique encrypted code. Under any of the conditions below, the encrypted code should be registered in the immobilizer-ECU again. The immobilizer-ECU can retain maximum eight different encrypted codes. This means that maximum eight ignition keys can be registered.

Component to be replaced
Engine-ECU <M/T> or Engine-A/T-ECU <A/T>
Ignition key
When engine-ECU <M/T> or engine-A/T-ECU <A/T> is replaced
Should be replaced
Should be replaced
All ignition keys should be registered
When immobilizer-ECU is replace
Should not be replaced
Should not be replaced
All ignition keys should be registered again
When ignition key is added
Should not be replaced
Should not be replaced

  • Additional ignition key should be registered
  • All ignition keys should be registered again

When ignition key is lost
Should not be replaced
Should not be replaced
All the ignition keys other than the lost one should be registered again