Inspection Procedure 22: Automatic Search does not Work.


STEP 1. Check that the "APS" (automatic search) button be depressed properly.

note When the time between songs on a tape is less than three seconds, or when there is a three second period in the middle of a song in which the volume level is extremely low, the automatic search function may not work properly.

Q. Can the "APS" (automatic search) button be depressed properly?

Go to Step 2.

The button is operated improperly. Repair radio and tape player.

STEP 2. Check that the player works when the tape is changed.

note Ensure that the tape label is not loose, that the tape itself is not deformed and that the tape is tightly wound. Also, tapes of C-120 or greater length often get caught in the mechanism and should not be used.

Q. Does the player work if the tape is changed?

The tape used is defective.

Replace the radio and tape player. Check that the automatic search function operates normally.