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caution During diagnosis, a diagnosis code associated with other system may be set when the ignition switch is turned on with connector(s) disconnected. On completion, confirm all systems for diagnosis code(s). If diagnosis code(s) are set, erase them all.
Inspection procedure No.
Reference page
The tight corner braking phenomenon* appears with the S-AWC drive mode-selector in the AWC ECO or NORMAL position.
note The vehicle is tuned so that the tight corner braking phenomenon appears at a certain level with the drive mode in the SNOW or LOCK position.

note *Tight corner braking phenomenon: When a 4WD vehicle makes sharp cornering in a paved road at low speed (ex. parallel parking), there is a difference in turning radius between front and rear wheels. If such a difference can no longer be compensated by tyre slippage, the vehicle behaves as if it is under braking.

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