The crankshaft oil clearance can be measured easily by using a plastigage, as follows:

1.Remove oil and grease and any other foreign matters from crankshaft journal and bearing inner surface.
2.Install the crankshaft.
3.Cut the plastigage to the same length as the width of bearing and place it on journal in parallel with its axis.

4.Gently place the crankshaft bearing cap over it and tighten the bolts to the specified torque.
5.Remove the bolts and gently remove the crankshaft bearing cap.
6.Measure the width of the smashed plastigage at its widest section by using a scale printed on the plastigage bag.
Standard value:
    <No.1, 2, 4, 5> 0.028 - 0.056 mm
    <No.3> 0.068 - 0.096 mm
Limit: 0.1 mm


1.Using a straightedge and thickness gauge, check the block top surface for warpage. Make sure that the surface is free from gasket chips and other objects.
Standard value: 0.05 mm
Limit: 0.1 mm
2.If the distortion is excessive, replace the cylinder block.

3.Check cylinder walls for scratches and seizure. If defects are evident, correct (bored to oversize) or replace.
4.Using cylinder gauge, measure the cylinder bore, and cylindricity. If worn badly, correct cylinder to an oversize and replace piston and piston rings. Measurement points are shown in illustration.
Standard value:
Cylinder I.D.: 98.50 - 98.53 mm
Cylindricity 0.015 mm


1.Determine the oversize piston to be used based on the largest cylinder inside diameter.

2.There are two types of oversize piston available (+0.50 mm). Bore the cylinders so that the clearance between the cylinder and the piston installed meets the specified standard value. The reference point for piston O.D. measurement is as shown.
Standard value: 0.114 - 0.133 mm
3.Based on measured piston O.D. calculate boring finish dimension.
4.Check the piston to cylinder clearance is within the specified standard value.
Standard value: 0.114 - 0.133 mm
5.Grind each cylinder to calculated boring dimension.
  • Because of the hardened cylinder layer, the use of BORAZON TIP is recommended.
  • To avoid thermal distortion, bore the cylinders, in the order No. 2 to No. 4 to No. 1 to No. 3.
6.Hone each cylinder to the final bore (piston outer diameter + piston to cylinder clearance).
note Honed surface roughness: 0.002 to 0.004 mm
note Honing crosshatch angle: 15 to 25° (half angle)
note Cylinder bore out of squareness: 0.05 mm
7.Check the piston to cylinder clearance is within the specified standard value.
Standard value: 0.114 - 0.133 mm