Inspection Procedure 27: Glow system




STEP 1. Connector checks: B-34, B-35 and B-36 glow plug relay connectors

Q. Are the check results normal?

Go to Step 2.
Repair or replace.

STEP 2. Check the glow plug relay itself.

  • Check the glow plug relay itself (Refer to GROUP 16 - Glow System - On-vehicle Service - Glow Plug Relay Check ).

Q. Is the check result normal?

Go to Step 3.
Replace the glow plug relay.

STEP 3. Perform voltage measurement at B-35 glow plug relay connector.

  • Disconnect connector, and measurement at harness side.
  • Voltage between terminal No. 1 and earth.
OK: System voltage

Q. Is the check result normal?

Go to Step 4.
Check harness between fusible link No. 33 and B-35 (terminal No. 1) glow plug relay connector.

STEP 4. Perform voltage measurement at B-34 glow plug relay connector.

  • Disconnect connector, and measurement at harness side.
  • Voltage between terminal No. 1 and earth.
OK: System voltage

Q. Is the check result normal?

Go to Step 5.
Check harness between B-34 (terminal No. 1) glow plug relay connector and B-15X (terminal No. 1) engine control relay connector.

STEP 5. Check glow plug itself.

  • Check glow plug itself (Refer to GROUP 16 - Glow System - On-vehicle Service - Glow Plug Check ).

Q. Is the check result normal?

Go to Step 6.
Replace the glow plug.

STEP 6. Check harness between B-36 (terminal No. 1) glow plug relay connector and B-123 (terminal No. 1) glow plug connector.

Q. Is the check result normal?

Go to Step 7.
Repair the harness wire.

STEP 7. Connector check: D-213 engine-ECU connector

Q. Is the check result normal?

Go to Step 8.
Repair or replace.

STEP 8. Check harness between B-34 (terminal No. 2) glow plug relay connector and D-213 (terminal No. 29) engine-ECU connector.

Q. Is the check result normal?

Replace the engine-ECU. When the engine-ECU is replaced, write the chassis number (Refer to GROUP 00 - Precautions Before Service - How to Perform Chassis Number Writing ). After replacing the engine-ECU, register the injector identification code and learn fuel injection (Refer to GROUP 00 - Precautions Before Service - What The Common Rail Engine Learns ).
Repair the harness wire.