If the dust cover is damaged accidentally during service work, replace the dust cover as follows:
1.Remove the dust cover.

2.Apply multipurpose grease to the inside of the dust cover as shown.
3.Apply multipurpose grease to the shown parts inside the dust cover and the ball joint stud.
4.Wrap plastic tape around the lower arm ball joint stud, and then install the dust cover to the lower arm ball joint.

caution Do not apply grease to the place (tapered section) where the threaded section of the ball joint connects with the knuckle. Wipe the grease off if it is applied in this area.
To prevent the grease from being applied to the ball joint connection (taper) with the knuckle, do not compress the dust cover before installation.
Use special tool ball joint remover and installer (MB990800) to drive the dust cover into the position shown in the illustration.
6.Press the dust cover with your finger to check that there are no cracks or damage in the dust cover.