Due to the following change, the new service procedure has been established. The other service procedures are the same as before.



Outputs the cruise control cancel signal to the engine-ECU.
Accelerator pedal position sensor
Informs the engine-ECU of the accelerator pedal depression.
Cruise control indicator lamp <mono-colour liquid crystal display type>
When the cruise control ON/OFF switch is pressed, a lamp will illuminate to inform the driver that the cruise control system is active.
Cruise control display screen <colour liquid crystal display type>
When the cruise control ON/OFF switch is pressed, a cruise control display screen appears to inform the driver that the cruise control system is active.
Speed limiter display screen <vehicles with speed limiter>
When the speed limiter ON/OFF switch is pressed, a screen will be displayed to inform the driver.
Cruise control switches
Cruise control ON/OFF switch
Power switch for cruise control system.
Speed limiter ON/OFF switch <vehicles with speed limiter>
Turn ON/OFF the speed limiter.
RES + switch

  • Vehicle speed is set with the RES + switch and SET - switch.
  • Set vehicle speed of speed limiter is set with the RES + switch and SET - switch.

SET - switch
CANCEL switch

  • Cancels the constant speed driving.
  • Cancel speed limiter in the activated mode.


  • Controls the automatic transmission shifting based on the shift control signal from the engine-ECU.
  • The selector lever "N" position signal from the inhibitor switch is sent to the engine-ECU.
  • Outputs the signal from the output shaft speed sensor to the engine-ECU.

Diagnosis connector
If the M.U.T.-III is connected, the diagnosis code and data list from the engine-ECU can be read.

  • Based on the input signal from each sensors and switches, the throttle opening angle indication signal is sent.
  • Based on the input signal from each sensors and switches, the A/T control signal is sent to the A/T-ECU.
  • Based on the output shaft speed sensor signal from the A/T-ECU, it calculates the vehicle speed.
  • Based on the selector lever "N" position signal from the A/T-ECU, it cancels constant speed driving.
  • To the cruise control indicator lamp/multi information display, the cruise control system ON/OFF signal is sent.
  • The diagnosis codes and data list of the cruise control system is sent to the diagnosis connector.

Inhibitor switch <A/T>
The constant speed driving is cancelled by the selector lever operation, the "N" position is detected.
Clutch switch <M/T>
Because the constant speed driving is cancelled by the clutch operation, the clutch pedal status is detected.
Stop lamp switch

  • The constant speed driving is cancelled by the brake operation, the brake pedal operation is detected.
  • As for the stop lamp switch, two built-in switches, the stop lamp switch which is also used for the stop lamp illumination and the brake switch which is used exclusively for the cruise control, are integrated, and thus the reliability is enhanced.

Fuel injection system
Amount of fuel consumption control signal from engine-ECU.


The cruise control section in engine-ECU calculates the cruise control system operation condition based on the signals sent from switches and sensors. Based on the calculation, the cruise control section outputs the target accelerator pedal opening angle signal to the engine control section, and shift control signal to A/T-ECU<A/T> or clutch switch <M/T> and cruise control status (ON/OFF, etc.) to the combination meter, respectively.

The combination meter will turn on the cruise control indicator lamp when the cruise control system is active.
On vehicles with a speed limiter, the combination meter will turn on the speed limiter display screen when the speed limiter system is active.



1.While driving in the vehicle speed range of approximately 40 km/h or more, press the SET- switch.
2.The cruise control system stores the vehicle speed when the SET- switch is released, and then performs a constant speed driving at the stored vehicle speed.
3.When the SET- switch is operated while driving at the vehicle speed of high speed limit or faster, the constant speed driving is not performed.
4.When the SET- switch is operated while driving at the vehicle speed of low speed limit (approximately 40 km/h) or slower, the constant speed driving is not performed.


1.When the SET- switch is pressed and held for approximately 0.5 second or longer during the constant speed driving, the vehicle is decelerated by using engine braking while the switch is pressed.
2.After that the SET- switch is released, the vehicle speed of that time is newly stored, and then the constant speed driving is performed at that speed.
3.In addition, when the SET- switch is pressed for less than approximately 0.5 second, the vehicle speed is decreased by approximately 1.6 km/h from the constant speed driving speed. The decelerated speed is newly stored, and then the constant speed driving is performed at that speed.
4.When the SET- switch is pressed and held, and the vehicle speed is decelerated to low speed limit (approximately 40 km/h), the low speed limit will be maintained.


1.During the constant speed driving, press the CANCEL switch, or depress the brake pedal to cancel the constant speed driving.
2.Afterward, when the RES + switch is pressed while driving at a vehicle speed of low speed limit (approximately 40 km/h) or more, a constant speed driving is performed at the vehicle speed stored when the constant speed driving was cancelled.


1.During the constant speed driving, when the RES + switch is pressed and held for approximately 0.5 seconds or longer, the vehicle is accelerated with the specified acceleration while the switch is pressed.
2.After that the RES + switch is released, the vehicle speed of that time is newly stored, and then the constant speed driving is performed at that speed.
3.In addition when the RES + switch is pressed for less than approximately 0.5 second, the vehicle speed is increased by approximately 1.6 km/h from the constant speed driving speed. The accelerated vehicle speed is newly stored, and then the constant speed driving is performed at that speed.


When any of the following conditions are satisfied, the constant speed driving will be cancelled.


If the driver depresses the accelerator pedal while the vehicle is driven at constant speed with the cruise control system activated, the vehicle will be accelerated further than the set speed. Note that the system will resumes the set speed for constant-speed cruising when the accelerator pedal is released.


When one of the following conditions is met, the cruise control system function will be suspended until the system returns to normal condition. Also, when one of the following conditions is met, a constant speed driving is cancelled immediately.

When one of the following conditions is met, unless the vehicle is stopped to turn the ignition switch to the "LOCK" (OFF) position, the cruise control system function will be suspended even if the system returns to the normal state. Also, one of the following conditions is met, a constant speed driving is cancelled immediately.


To ease the system inspection, the diagnosis code inspection, data list inspection is available by M.U.T.-III.



1.Press the SET- switch while the vehicle is driven at approximately 30 km/h or more.
2.When the SET- switch is released, the system will store the instant speed as a limit speed, and then control the engine so that the limit speed is not exceeded.
3.When the SET- switch is pressed while the vehicle speed is 30 km/h or less, the system stores 30 km/h as a limit speed.


1.When the driver presses and holds the SET- switch while the vehicle is driven, the limit speed, which is shown on the speed limiter display screen, will decrease by increments of 5 km/h from the instant vehicle speed. An actual vehicle speed will also decrease accordingly by suppressing the engine torque (engine braking).
2.Then, when the SET- switch is released, the instant displayed speed will be stored as a limit speed.
3.Although the driver presses to hold the SET- switch further until the vehicle speed is less than 30 km/h, the vehicle will not be decelerated any longer (will maintain 30 km/h).


1.The speed limiter will be deactivated by pressing the CANCEL switch.
2.When the driver presses the RES+ switch, the speed limiter will be resumed to allow the driver to set a limit speed.


1.If the driver presses to hold the RES+ switch, a limit speed will increase by increments of 5 km/h.
2.When the RES+ switch is released, the system will store the instant displayed speed as a limit speed.
3.If the driver presses to hold the RES+ switch further than a programmable upper limit speed, that upper limit speed will be maintained (will not be accelerated any more).


When the driver presses the CANCEL switch, the desired limit speed will be cancelled temporarily.
When the driver presses the speed limiter ON/OFF switch, the speed limiter system will be deactivated.
When the driver presses the cruise control ON/OFF switch, the cruise control system will be activated and the speed limiter system will be deactivated forcibly.


When the accelerator pedal is depressed fully to drive at higher speed than the stored speed, the speed limiter will be deactivated temporarily.


When one of the following conditions is met, the cruise control system function will be suspended until the system returns to normal condition. Also, when one of the following conditions is met, a constant speed driving is cancelled immediately. The speed limiter will be also deactivated.

When one of the following conditions is met, unless the vehicle is stopped to turn the ignition switch to the "LOCK" (OFF) position, the cruise control system function will be suspended even if the system returns to the normal state. Also, one of the following conditions is met, a constant speed driving is cancelled immediately. The speed limiter will be also deactivated.


To ease the system inspection, the diagnosis code inspection, data list inspection is available by M.U.T.-III.