Code No. C1774: Alignment Sensor too Far (Lower)

caution When the ACC/FCM-ECU is replaced, calibrate the radar (refer to ).
note The radar may not function normally if foreign object or dirt (snow or ice) is adhered on the radar or its surrounding area, or the road condition is bad due to a severe weather (heavy rain or snow). In that case, the system will deactivate the ACC and/or FCM as system protection and display an alert message ("ACC/FCM RADAR BLOCKED") on the combination meter.


ACC/FCM-ECU monitors the radar calibration.


This diagnosis code is set when the abnormality below is detected:

note A diagnosis code is not set as a historic fault.



STEP 1. Check the ACC/FCM-ECU radar for contamination.

Check the ACC/FCM-ECU radar for contamination.

Q. Is the ACC/FCM-ECU radar contaminated?

Clean the ACC/FCM-ECU radar, and then go to Step 2.
Go to Step 3.

STEP 2. Check whether the diagnosis code is set again.

Drive the vehicle at 15 km/h or more for approximately 30 minutes. Check whether the ACC/FCM-ECU sets any diagnosis code.

Q. Is diagnosis code No. C1774 set?

Go to Step 3.
This diagnosis is complete.

STEP 3. ACC/FCM-ECU radar calibration.

Perform calibration of ACC/FCM-ECU radar calibration (Refer to ).

Q. Has the calibration succeeded?

This diagnosis is complete.
Replace the ACC/FCM-ECU (Refer to ).