Reverse shift arm bracket mounting bolt
18 ± 5
Rear bearing output shaft retainer mounting bolt
18 ± 5
Gear shift fork shaft mounting bolt
19.5 ± 3.9
Straight screw plug with head
18.5 ± 5.5
Front bearing retainer mounting bolt
16.5 ± 5.0
Wiring harness clamp bracket mounting bolt
18 ± 3
Transfer adapter sub-assembly mounting bolt
37 ± 11
Shift lever housing mounting bolt
33 ± 3
Cover mounting bolt
18 ± 5
Reverse restrict pin assembly mounting bolt
37 ± 11
Clutch housing mounting bolt
36 ± 7
Clutch housing mounting bolt (with seal)
34 ± 6
Back-up lamp switch assembly
44 ± 9
Transfer mounting bolt
35 ± 6

Side cover tightening bolt
9.0 ± 1.0
Chain cover tightening bolt
35 ± 6
Filler plug
32 ± 2
Drain plug
32 ± 2
Transfer case tightening bolt and nut
35 ± 6
Speedometer sleeve clamp mounting bolt
19 ± 3
Vehicle speed sensor
25 ± 4
4WD operation detection switch
34 ± 5
Centre differential lock detection switch
35 ± 6
2WD/4WD detection switch
35 ± 6
Centre differential lock operation detection switch
34 ± 5
High range/Low range detection switch
34 ± 5
4LLc operation detection switch
34 ± 5
Bearing retainer mounting bolt
19 ± 3
Plunger boss - H-L shift fork mounting bolt
9.0 ± 2.0
Rear bearing retainer
20 ± 2
Oil pool cover
9.0 ± 1.0
34 ± 5
Centre differential case mounting bolt
69 ± 10