Inspection Procedure 3: Does not move backward


If the vehicle does not move backward when the selector lever is shifted to R range while the engine is idling, the cause is probably abnormal line pressure or a malfunction of the torque converter, valve body or oil pump.



STEP 1. A/T fluid check

Check the A/T fluid for amount and condition (not severely contaminated), and fill or replace the A/T fluid if necessary. Then, check the trouble symptom again.

Q. Is the trouble symptom reproduced?

Go to Step 2.
This diagnosis is complete.

STEP 2. Hydraulic pressure test

Measure the line pressure (Refer to ).
note When the vehicle cannot move backward, the line pressure may be lower than the standard value.
OK: Refer to .

Q. Is the check result normal?

Go to Step 3.
Go to Step 4.

STEP 3. Torque converter stall test

Carry out the torque converter stall test (Refer to ), and replace the torque converter if the result is out of the standard value. Then, check the trouble symptom again.

Q. Is the trouble symptom reproduced?

Go to Step 5.
This diagnosis is complete.

STEP 4. Retest the system

If the trouble symptom is not solved, replace the valve body. Then, check the trouble symptom again.

Q. Is the trouble symptom reproduced?

Go to Step 5.
This diagnosis is complete.

STEP 5. A/T-ECU replacement

(1)Replace the A/T-ECU.
(2)Test drive the vehicle.
(3)Verify that the condition described by the customer exists.

Q. Is the trouble symptom reproduced?

After checking the oil pump for damage, check each clutch and brake for any damage, and replace if necessary. (It is highly possible that the clutch C3, brake B1/B4, and one-way clutch F1 that engage in reverse gear are damaged.)
This diagnosis is complete.