Calibrate the FCM-ECU (radar) according to the procedure below after the following operation is performed.

How to locate the special tool

Locate the special tool so that the distance between the FCM-ECU (radar) and the special tool FCM target board (MB993007) satisfies 1070 mm as shown:

Locating procedure

1.Set the steering wheel to a straight-ahead position, and stop the vehicle.

2.Draw a vehicle centre line according to the procedure below:
caution When a plummet is suspended from the centre of the emblem, the vehicle centre line may be affected by the edge of the bumper. Be careful that the plummet is suspended vertically.
How to draw a vehicle centre line
  1. Suspend the a plummet from the front "Mitsubishi" logo (centre of the emblem) vertically. Then place mark "A".
  2. Suspend the a plummet from the rear "Mitsubishi" logo (centre of the emblem) vertically. Then place mark "B".
  3. Draw a line between mark "A" and "B".
note A plummet is included in the special tool FCM target board (MB993007).
3.Remove the radiator grille assembly (Refer to GROUP 51 - Radiator Grille ).

4.Create mark C along the vehicle centre line so that the distance between the mark and the centre of the radar reaches 1070 mm.
How to create mark C
  • Measure distance D between the centre of the radar and the front edge of the bumper, and obtain distance E by subtracting distance D from 1070 mm.

5.Draw lines F and G according to the procedure below:
caution When a plummet is suspended from the centre of the road wheel, the vehicle centre line may be affected by the edge of the tyre. Be careful that the plummet is suspended vertically.
How to draw lines F and G
  1. Suspend a plummet from the centre of the front and rear road wheels to place marks H, I, J and K.
  2. Draw line F between marks H and I.
  3. Draw line G between marks J and K.

6.Create a perpendicular line (line L) at any place against the vehicle centre line.
How to create a perpendicular line (line L)
  1. Place mark M on line F, 1800 mm away ahead of mark H.
  2. Place mark N on line G, 1800 mm away ahead of mark J.
  3. Draw a perpendicular line L between marks M and N against the vehicle centre line.
  4. Place mark O at the intersection of the vehicle centre line and line L.

7.Draw line P according to the procedure below:
How to draw line P
  1. Measure the distance Q between marks A and O.
  2. Place mark R on line F, by distance (Q) away ahead of mark M.
  3. Place mark S on line G, by distance (Q) away ahead of mark N.
  4. Draw line P between marks R and S.

  • Wipe away dirt or rain drop from the mirror of the special tool FCM target board (MB993007).
  • Ensure that the FCM target board is upright (0°) as it may be tilted forward (-2°) or rearward (+2°).
Use plummets to align the entire edge of the special tool FCM target board (MB993007) with line P.
9.When the mirror is tilted sideways from front view, screw in or out the board feet to adjust it.
10.Adjust the mirror so that its centre is level with the centre of the radar.
11.Ensure that the FCM target board is aligned precisely. If the mirror is tilted or off the correct position, repeat the operation from Step 8.

How to calibrate the radar

1.Set the vehicle to the following condition:

  • Park the vehicle on a level surface.
  • Ensure no one is inside the vehicle.
  • Ensure the tyre inflation pressures satisfy the specified value.
  • Clean the radar front surface and ensure that there are no water drops or scratches.
  • Take out the loads from the vehicle to make it at kerb weight.
2.Locate the special tool FCM target board (MB993007).
3.Turn the ignition switch "ON" (do not start the engine).

4.There should be no other objects in front of the radar (shaded area) than the special tool.
5.Connect M.U.T.-III to the diagnosis connector (For how to connect M.U.T.-III, refer to the GROUP 00 - Diagnosis Function).
6.Select "Learning" on Special function for ACC/FCM.

7.Tilt the mirror of the FCM target board forward by -2°.

8.Execute "Mode 1" from "Mode selection". Check the data list values below.
note When "Mode 1" is executed, the FCM-ECU will be initialised (non-calibrated status). If initialised, the FCM OFF indicator lamp on the multi-information display will flash.
Item No.
Item name
Normal value
Alignment (Mode1)
OK: "Done" is displayed.
  • Proceed to the next step.
NG: "Not done" is displayed.
  • Check the mirror of the FCM target board for proper alignment, and reposition it if necessary. When the FCM target board is repositioned, disconnect the M.U.T.-III and then repeat the operation from Step 6. If the angle of the mirror is adjusted, follow "Mode 1" measurement again.

9.Position the mirror of the FCM target board upright (0°).
10.Execute "Mode 2" from "Mode selection". Check the data list values below.
Item No.
Item name
Normal value
Alignment (Mode2)
OK: "Done" is displayed.
  • Proceed to the next step.
NG: "Not done" is displayed.
  • Check the mirror of the FCM target board for proper alignment, and reposition it if necessary. When the FCM target board is repositioned, disconnect the M.U.T.-III and then repeat the operation from Step 6. If the angle of the mirror is adjusted, follow "Mode 2" measurement again.

11.Tilt the mirror of the FCM target board rearward (+2°).
12.Execute "Mode 3" from "Mode selection". Check the data list values below.
Item No.
Item name
Normal value
Alignment (Mode3)
OK: "Done" is displayed.
  • Proceed to the next step.
NG: "Not done" is displayed.
  • Check the mirror of the FCM target board for proper alignment, and reposition it if necessary. When the FCM target board is repositioned, disconnect the M.U.T.-III and then repeat the operation from Step 6. If the angle of the mirror is adjusted, follow "Mode 3" measurement again.

13.Check the data list items below:
Item No.
Item name
Normal value
Screw turns (vertical)
Screw turns (horizontal)
OK: "0.00" is displayed for item No.57 and 58.
  • The calibration process completes. The FCM OFF indicator lamp will go out on the multi-information display.
caution If "8.00" is displayed for item No.57 and 58, the calibration has not been completed successfully. Repeat the operation from Step 1 (locating the special tool).
NG: Any other number than "0.00" is displayed for item No.57 or 58.
  • If any other number than "0.00" is displayed for item No.57, turn the vertical adjusting screw of the FCM-ECU by the specified turns. On completion, repeat the calibration from Step 7.
  • If any other number than "0.00" is displayed for item No.58, turn the horizontal adjusting screw of the FCM-ECU by the specified turns. On completion, repeat the calibration from Step 7.
note Use T-shaped Torx wrench (T20) to turn the adjusting screw.