Diagnosis Item 5: Communication with no ECUs is possible (SUB). <Vehicles with Automatic A/C>

caution When servicing a CAN bus line, earth yourself by touching a metal object such as an unpainted water pipe. If you fail to do, a component connected to the CAN bus line may be broken.



STEP 1. Check the CAN bus lines for short to power supply. Voltage measurement at gateway-ECU connector.

caution A digital multimeter should be used. For details refer to .
caution The test wiring harness should be used. For details refer to .
(1)Connect the negative battery terminal, and turn the ignition switch to the "ON" position.
(2)Voltage between gateway-ECU connector terminal No.6 (CAN_H) and body earth.
OK: Less than 4.0 V
(3)Voltage between gateway-ECU connector terminal No.5 (CAN_L) and body earth.
OK: Less than 4.0 V
(4)Disconnect the negative battery terminal.

Q. Is the check result normal?

YES <Voltage is less than 4.0 V in both CAN_H and CAN_L> : Go to Step 2.
NO <Voltage is 4.0 V or more in either CAN_H or CAN_L> : Perform diagnosis item 6 "Diagnose shorts in the power supply to CAN bus line (SUB)" (Refer to ).

STEP 2. Check the CAN bus lines for short to earth. Resistance measurement at gateway-ECU connector.

caution A digital multimeter should be used. For details refer to .
caution The test wiring harness should be used. For details refer to .
(1)Turn the ignition switch to the "LOCK" (OFF) position.
caution When measuring the resistance, disconnect the negative battery terminal. For details refer to .
Ensure that the negative battery terminal is disconnected.
(3)Resistance between gateway-ECU connector terminal No.6 (CAN_H) and body earth.
OK: 1 kΩ or more
(4)Resistance between gateway-ECU connector terminal No.5 (CAN_L) and body earth.
OK: 1 kΩ or more

Q. Is the check result normal?

YES <Resistance value is 1 kΩ or more in both CAN_H and CAN_L> : Go to Step 3.
NO <Resistance value is less than 1 kΩ in either CAN_H or CAN_L> : Perform diagnosis item 7 "Diagnose shorts in the earth to CAN bus line (SUB)" (Refer to ).

STEP 3. Check the CAN bus lines for short to each other. Resistance measurement at gateway-ECU connector.

caution A digital multimeter should be used. For details refer to .
caution The test wiring harness should be used. For details refer to .
(1)Turn the ignition switch to the "LOCK" (OFF) position.
caution When measuring the resistance, disconnect the negative battery terminal. For details refer to .
Ensure that the negative battery terminal is disconnected.
(3)Resistance between gateway-ECU connector terminal Nos.5 and 6.
OK: 120 ± 20 Ω

Q. Is the check result normal?

YES : The trouble can be an intermittent malfunction (Refer to GROUP 00 - How to Use Troubleshooting/inspection Service Points - How to Cope with Intermittent Malfunction ).
NO <Resistance value is less than 120 ± 20 Ω> : Perform diagnosis Item 8 "Diagnose shorts between CAN_H and L lines (SUB)" (Refer to ).
NO <Resistance value is 1 kΩ or more> : Check the wires between gateway-ECU connector and joint connector (CAN4) for open circuit, and check the terminal resistors in the A/C-ECU and the gateway-ECU for open circuit. Then repair or replace if necessary.