Check closely the entire timing belt and replace it if any of the following conditions is found.

1.Hardened back side rubber.
Back side surface is glossy, lacking in elasticity, and so hard that no impression is left when pressed with fingernail.
2.Cracks in back rubber surface.
3.Cracks in canvas.
4.Cracks in tooth roots.

5.Cracks in belt sides.

6.Abnormally worn belt sides;
note belt sides are normal if they have “knife-cut” surfaces.
7.Badly worn teeth.

    Initial stage: Canvas is worn (canvas fibre is fluffy; teeth look whitish due to worn-out rubber; canvas texture is unclear)
    Second stage: Canvas is lost and rubber is exposed (tooth width narrows down)

8.Missing tooth.


1.Check the auto-tensioner for leaks; replace it if leaky.
2.Check the rod end for wear and other damage; replace the auto-tensioner if the rod is badly worn or damaged.

3.Measure the extension length of the rod. If it is not within the standard value range, replace the auto-tensioner.
Standard value: 12.0 mm

4.Press the rod with a force of 98 to 196 N and measure the amount of retraction. If the measurement exceeds the standard value, replace the auto-tensioner.
Standard value: Less than 1 mm