This plastigage method is recommended as a simplest way of measuring the crankshaft oil clearance.
Measure the crankshaft oil clearance using a plastigage as follows:
1.Wipe off oil from the crankshaft journal surface and the crankshaft bearing inner surface.
2.Install the crankshaft.
3.Cut a piece of plastigage whose length is equivalent to the width of the bearing and place it on the crankshaft journal in parallel with its axis.
4.Install the crankshaft bearing cap carefully and tighten the bolts to the specified torque.
5.Remove the bolts, then remove the crankshaft bearing cap carefully.
6.Measure the largest width of the crushed plastigage using the ruler printed on the bag of the plastigage.
Standard value:
    0.018 - 0.036 mm <No.1,2,4,5>
    0.024 - 0.042 mm <No.3>
Limit: 0.1 mm


1.Visually check the cylinder block for scratches, rust, and any other corrosion. Also check it for cracks using a flaw detecting penetrant. If any defect is evident, replace the cylinder block.

2.Use a straightedge and thickness to check the cylinder block top surface for warp. Make sure that the surface is free from remaining gasket material and other foreign matter.
Standard value: 0.05 mm
Limit: 0.1 mm
3.Check cylinder walls for scratches and seizure. If defects are evident, rebore to an oversize or replace the cylinder block.

4.Use a cylinder to measure the cylinder bore diameter and taper. If the cylinder is worn badly, rebore it to an oversize and replace the piston and piston rings with ones that match with the new bore size.
Standard value: 86.5 mm
Cylindricity: Less than 0.01 mm