note Since the fuel injection pipe connection on the fuel injector assembly side is located inside the engine (rocker cover), visual check for fuel leak cannot be performed. Due to this, use the oil leak detection agent to check for fuel leak. As for other fuel injection pipe and the fuel supply pump pipe connection, visually check for fuel leak.
note The oil leak detection agent detects oil leak by colour change when it is applied to the area to be checked. For details on how to use the product, refer to the instruction manual.
1.Remove the engine cover assembly upper (Refer to GROUP 11C - Engine Assembly ).

caution Degrease the area between the flare nut and the pipe of the fuel injection pipe by fully spraying the parts cleaner.
Carefully degrease the flare nut at the fuel injector assembly side of the fuel injection pipe with parts cleaner (MZ100387) or equivalent.
3.If the parts cleaner remains in the area between the flare nut for connection and the fuel injection pipe, the oil leak detection agent detects that there is a fuel leak. Therefore, use an air gun to blow off the remaining parts cleaner and fully dry the degreased area.
4.Apply the oil leak detection agent to the flare nut and the pipe of the fuel injection pipe.
note It is easy to detect the oil leak when the oil leak detection agent is dry enough because the colour changes clearly. Use a dryer to dry the oil leak detection agent when it is hard to dry.
caution Before connecting or disconnecting the M.U.T.-III, turn the ignition switch to the "LOCK" (OFF) position.
Ensure that the ignition switch is at the "LOCK" (OFF) position.
6.Start up the personal computer.
7.Connect special tool M.U.T.-III USB cable (MB991827) to V.C.I. (MB991824) and the personal computer.
8.Connect special tool M.U.T.-III main harness A (MB991910) to the V.C.I.
9.Connect the M.U.T.-III main harness A to the diagnosis connector of the vehicle.
10.Turn the V.C.I. power switch to the "ON" position.
note When the V.C.I. is energised, the V.C.I. indicator lamp will be illuminated in a green colour.
11.Start the M.U.T.-III system on the personal computer and turn the ignition switch to the "ON" position.
12.Start the engine, and let it run at idle.
13.Select "MPI/GDI/DIESEL" from System select Screen of the M.U.T.-III.
14.Select "Special Function" from MPI/GDI/DIESEL Screen.
15.Select "Fuel leakage check" from Test Screen. Carry out the fuel leakage check (during the test, the engine speed and the fuel pressure is 2,000 r/min and 180 MPa for 20 seconds respectively) five times in a row (20 seconds × 5 times = 100 seconds).
16.Turn the ignition switch to the "LOCK" (OFF) position, and stop the engine.
17.Disconnecting the M.U.T.-III is the reverse of the connecting sequence.
18.Check the colour change of the oil leak detection agent at the flare nut and pipe of the fuel injection pipe to check if the fuel is leaking from the fuel injection pipe connection at the fuel injector assembly side.
19.Visually check other fuel line connections for fuel leak.
20.If the fuel is leaking, replace the fuel injection pipe and the fuel supply pump pipe. (Refer to , .)
21.If the fuel is not leaking, wipe off the oil leak detection agent using parts cleaner (MZ100387) or equivalent completely.
22.Install the engine cover assembly upper (Refer to GROUP 11C - Engine Assembly ).